Wedgwood Mission
Wedgwood is committed to:
- Building an inclusive school community that supports all students, families and staff.
- Empowering all students by fostering their curiosity, independence, and self-motivation across disciplines.
- Addressing all students’ social and emotional needs by teaching the values of citizenship and providing school-wide positive behavioral support.
- Serving all students’ academic needs by maintaining high expectations and differentiating instruction.
Plans to Achieve Mission
Wedgwood will reach our goals listed above by doing the following:
How Do We Teach Literacy at Wedgwood?
Our literacy model using the district adopted curriculum Center for the Collaborative Classroom (CCC) allows each student to read books at an individual level, and work in small guided reading groups with similarly leveled readers, and complete word work for a complete balanced literacy model. Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade students use CCC’s Being a Reader small group instruction curriculum to learn sight words, phonics, and spelling patterns. Students, using the CCC writing curriculum, write narrative, expository, and persuasive texts, and participate in individual student-teacher conferences and individualized writing goals.
How Do We Teach Math?
Wedgwood uses the District adopted Math curriculum, Envision. Math instruction is dictated by beginning-of-year assessments and unit pre-assessments to ensure all students have the opportunity for enrichment or review depending on the specific skill or standard. 5th grade students at Wedgwood use a mixture of Math in Focus and Envision Math curricula to meet the needs of all students.
On‐going Evaluation of Student Data
Wedgwood will continue to evaluate data to determine next steps for teaching and learning. We will use the following assessments to generate feedback about student growth:
- Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC) : The Smarter Balanced Assessment is a standardized Washington State assessment. SBAC assesses the areas of English Language Arts and Math. In addition to the Smarter Balanced assessments, 5th grade students take the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science each spring.
- Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) : We use MAP in the fall, winter, and spring to guide teaching and identify students who may need additional support as well as those who need to be accelerated.
- Common Formative Assessment : Grade levels use a variety of common formative assessments to monitor student progress throughout a lesson, unit, and year. These can include Curriculum Based assessments, Classroom Based assessment, Exit Tickets, etc.
With constant teacher input about student academic, social and emotional growth as well as a school‐wide focus on the above criteria, Wedgwood aims to meet the needs of every learner we serve.