About Wedgwood Elementary School
Vision and Mission
Wedgwood is an inclusive community of responsible, caring citizens dedicated to students achieving their full potential.

Wedgwood is committed to:
- Building an inclusive school community that supports all students, families and staff.
- Empowering all students by fostering their curiosity, independence, and self-motivation across disciplines.
- Addressing all students’ social and emotional needs by teaching the values of citizenship and providing school-wide positive behavioral support.
- Serving all students’ academic needs by maintaining high expectations and differentiating instruction.
Why is Wedgwood a Great School?
Our classrooms offer rigorous instruction and strive to build learning environments that are appreciative of a diverse group of students. After school activities allow students opportunities for a well-rounded educational experience. Additionally, our PTA supports the school with a variety of extra-curricular events. Welcome to Wedgwood!
High Expectations
Our school is known for its strong academics and high expectations for all. Wedgwood students consistently perform exceedingly well on state and district assessments.
Our collaborative teaching teams (PLCs), focused on instruction and monitoring students’ progress, have ensured our strong performance in these areas.
We acknowledge, value and respect all cultures within our school community. This, combined with the blending of students in general education, special education and Spectrum program, promotes a unique and diverse community for all of our students.
Student Leadership Opportunities
Students learn leadership skills by participating in student council, buddy classes, and Kindness Crew.
We also offer several after school enrichment opportunities and on-site before- and after-school childcare provided by Kid’s Time (operated by Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center). More information on after-school-activities.
About our Mascot: Marty the Marmot
In 2009, a group of Wedgwood’s fourth and fifth graders helped create a new State law that declares the Olympic Marmot as the official State endemic mammal (only found in Washington). You can read about their efforts in this press release by the Burke Museum.
To recognize the group’s achievement, students voted to change Wedgwood’s mascot from Pepe the Dolphin to Marty the Marmot. Wedgwood is now the home of the mighty marmots!
In 2011, Kenna I. won the Wedgwood logo design contest.Her winning image of Marty the Marmot, shown above, will be featured on the PTA letterhead, Volunteer/Visitor labels, Guest Teacher badges for our subs, the website and the Weekly banner.
School Gardens
Wedgwood Elementary boasts some of the most amazing gardens to be found at any of Seattle’s schools. Not only do they make the grounds more attractive, they serve as “outdoor classrooms” and provide opportunities for community service. We donated over 60 pounds of produce to local food banks during 2010.

In 2010, Wedgwood was granted $17,000 from the Small and Simple Projects managed by Seattle’s Department of Neighborhoods.
Title: Wedgwood Elementary Playground Improvement Project
Organization: Wedgwood Playground Improvement Project Committee
Description: With funding, we will be able to execute our plan to improve Wedgwood Elementary’s outdoor area by creating more green space and educational opportunities with a rain garden and raised gardening beds, and by adding new play structures to the outdated playground.
Amount Gathered: $109,160.00
NMF Award: $17,000.00
School History

Our The neighborhood now called Wedgwood was first settled around 1900 by Charles Thorpe, who raised ginseng there after learning of its medicinal properties while in China. In the 1920s,Seattle University purchased the area, which it was considering as a campus location. The university sold the land in the 1940s to developer Albert Balch who built a number of homes in the area. Because his wife was dissatisfied with his earlier naming of View Ridge, he suggested that she pick a name for the new development. She chose the name because of her fondness for Wedgwood china.
The post-World War II movement to the suburbs, spurred by economic prosperity and population growth, meant that neighborhoods like Wedgwood were increasingly popular. The new houses boasted wide lots and all the modern conveniences. Large trees and lack of city noise and traffic gave the area a country atmosphere.
In 1952, Wedgwood clearly needed a school, considering the over-crowded conditions at Ravenna, View Ridge, and Bryant. The school district selected a former cherry and apple orchard as the site for the school. As a short-term solution to the crowded conditions at nearby schools, a 16-portable school was opened there in 1953 (now NE 85th and 27th Avenue NE). Twelve classrooms housing 400 children grades K-5 opened three weeks into the fall semester. The 6th grade was added the following year. In 1954-55, 14 classes were housed in 12 portables by double-shifting four classes.
Because of construction delays, the new building was not ready in April 1955 as expected. It opened dramatically in early June with only a half month remaining in the school year. Many of the pupils brought wagons from home to transport their possessions and books as they moved from the portables to the permanent building. The students especially appreciated the auditorium-lunchroom and gymnasium.
The next fall about 140 pupils were added from Maple Leaf and a few from Ravenna. Enrollment peaked in 1957-58 with 897 students. After graduation, students went to Eckstein or Addams for junior high. (Addams closed in 1984.)
As part of the district’s desegregation program,Wedgwood formed a triad with Leschi and Decatur. Wedgwood and Decatur became K-3, and Leschi housed K, 4-5 from 1978 to 1988.
This article is reprinted from Building for Learning—Seattle Public Schools Histories, 1862-2000 by Nile Thompson & Carolyn Marr. More information about the book is available on the Seattle Public Schools website.
Please call the office at 206-252-5670 every time your child will be absent or late. If you prefer, contact Martha Burge at wedgwood.attendance@seattleschools.org.
You may also include your child’s teacher, visit the staff page for Staff email addresses.